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Dog Training

Here is a look at some dogs who are involved with snow rescue situations.  People sometimes get caught on snowy mountains during an avalanche or an accident.  Dogs can quickly cover a large area and catch the scent of people who are trapped under snow.  Saint Bernards are a classic breed known for carrying barrels of brandy or rum around their knecks for snow victims to drink while waiting for rescue.

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Dogs are trained for many different duties.  The most common training we offer is for police dogs, drug dogs, guard dogs, and rescue dogs. We also work with service dogs like seeing eye dogs for the blind or assistance dogs for deaf or other physical disabilities.  Please contact us for hourly or session rates for our different training programs.

Basic Dog Obedience Class - 4 week session.  3 visits per week with owner. $399 base price.

Guard Dog Training - 8 week training.  Dogs can be kept on site during the week with weekend visits to their homes. More Information>>

Service Dog Training - Dogs must be under 1 year old.  Training lasts 1-2 years depending on needs.  More Information>>

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